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Eileen Garczynski to discuss lawyering in the COVID-19 pandemic

by | Mar 1, 2021 | Important, law firms, News

Eileen Garczynski, Esq. senior vice president and partner, Ames & Gough, will be among panelists discussing “Lawyering in the Pandemic: Business as Unusual,” Friday, June 4, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. EDT. The panel, which will be held during the American Bar Association’s Annual Conference on Professional Responsibility, addresses the impact of COVID-19 on the legal profession. For instance, long-term remote work raises questions about face-time expectations, professional development, at-home technology needs, as well as restrictions on personal and family social and recreational activities that have challenged many lawyers. Working remotely also requires attorneys to heed the practical and ethical issues surrounding client data security and confidentiality, computer programs, physical files, telephone calls, and video meetings. Many firms, both large and small, pivoted to remote models literally overnight, which may have resulted in unintended business consequences. Join us for an invigorating discussion that will raise awareness of the trials and tribulations of lawyering in a pandemic where business is anything but usual. For the full conference agenda and registration information, visit: